In this R package, a spatial dataset can be generated
under the assumption that observations are collected from a two
dimensional uniform grid consists of (m2) lattice points
having unit distance between any two neighbouring points along the
horizontal and vertical directions.
generation of spatial coordinates of locations
The size of the population is N= m2. The spatial coordinates of the locations of observations can be computed by the following expressions
( Latitudei, Longitudei )= ( mod(i-1,m), [(i-1)/m] ), i= 1,…, m2
where, mod(i-1,m) is the remainder of (i-1) divided by m and [(i-1)/m] is the integer part of the number (i-1)/m
generation of auxiliary variable from uniform distribution
X =runif(N,0,1)
error term drawn independently from normal distribution i.e. N(0,1)
e =rnorm(N, mean=0, sd=1)
generation of spatially varying regression coefficients
spatially varying regression model for generating the response variable
Yi = B0( Latitudei,Longitudei ) + B1( Latitudei,Longitudei )*Xi + ei ; i= 1,…, N
# Examples: generate an uniform two dimensional grid of lattice points
## x y
## 1 1 1
## 2 2 1
## 3 3 1
## 4 4 1
## 5 5 1
## 6 1 2
## 7 2 2
## 8 3 2
## 9 4 2
## 10 5 2
## 11 1 3
## 12 2 3
## 13 3 3
## 14 4 3
## 15 5 3
## 16 1 4
## 17 2 4
## 18 3 4
## 19 4 4
## 20 5 4
## 21 1 5
## 22 2 5
## 23 3 5
## 24 4 5
## 25 5 5
# Examples: simulated data along with spatial coordinates and spatially varying model parameters
## x y
## 1 1 1
## 2 2 1
## 3 3 1
## 4 4 1
## 5 5 1
## 6 1 2
## 7 2 2
## 8 3 2
## 9 4 2
## 10 5 2
## 11 1 3
## 12 2 3
## 13 3 3
## 14 4 3
## 15 5 3
## 16 1 4
## 17 2 4
## 18 3 4
## 19 4 4
## 20 5 4
## 21 1 5
## 22 2 5
## 23 3 5
## 24 4 5
## 25 5 5
## [1] 25
## [1] 5
## Y X latitude longitude B0 B1
## 1 -0.891472527 0.00823234 0 0 0.0000000 0.0000000
## 2 0.391774436 0.23253285 1 0 0.1666667 0.3333333
## 3 0.754636299 0.90342016 2 0 0.3333333 0.6666667
## 4 0.689986013 0.76365119 3 0 0.5000000 1.0000000
## 5 -0.118914927 0.54021183 4 0 0.6666667 1.3333333
## 6 0.006648299 0.85244763 0 1 0.1666667 0.0000000
## 7 0.926334035 0.81978337 1 1 0.3333333 0.3333333
## 8 0.877404503 0.23481600 2 1 0.5000000 0.6666667
## 9 -0.693881009 0.13510860 3 1 0.6666667 1.0000000
## 10 1.725796288 0.49814040 4 1 0.8333333 1.3333333
## 11 1.432545907 0.03277423 0 2 0.3333333 0.0000000
## 12 -1.201911386 0.07815857 1 2 0.5000000 0.3333333
## 13 -0.015836874 0.13549746 2 2 0.6666667 0.6666667
## 14 0.504845273 0.22494198 3 2 0.8333333 1.0000000
## 15 0.175966337 0.19198541 4 2 1.0000000 1.3333333
## 16 2.315683176 0.24268247 0 3 0.5000000 0.0000000
## 17 0.745685334 0.29228764 1 3 0.6666667 0.3333333
## 18 1.899054254 0.28551411 2 3 0.8333333 0.6666667
## 19 2.430815410 0.41682216 3 3 1.0000000 1.0000000
## 20 0.809411423 0.12245057 4 3 1.1666667 1.3333333
## 21 1.052437545 0.56574315 0 4 0.6666667 0.0000000
## 22 -0.052318995 0.93222596 1 4 0.8333333 0.3333333
## 23 0.567859424 0.36221107 2 4 1.0000000 0.6666667
## 24 1.839038191 0.79747388 3 4 1.1666667 1.0000000
## 25 1.320047639 0.02240958 4 4 1.3333333 1.3333333